Disinformation spread

This is unit 1 of a series of activities that focuses on the understanding of the phenomenon of disinformation and what we can do to fight it.

Like all 4 units, unit 3 contains a computational model plus a series of activities to implement with students. Before diving into the model, read the explanations below to understand more about the unit:

Besides all components in units 1 and 2, the unit 3 model contains:
  • A "Social media" option in the "form of spreding" chooser.
  • "Post lifespan" slider: to be used with the "social media" form of spreading, this slider simulates the amount of time that a user's post reamins online. Low values indicate little "air time"; high values, higher airtime.
  • "Discourse triggers" slider: this option represents the rhetorical strategies used in politically motivated disinformation.
Activities in unit 3:
  • Opening activities:
    • solving a puzzle together (in groups, if possible)
    • guided discussion on the feelings associated to solving the puzzle and how this connects to the way we get absorbed by calls to "uncover the truth" in politics and society.
  • Introduction to critical thinking and how it has been used by politically motivated, extermist groups.
  • Tinkering with the model and reflection
  • Closing activity: guided group discussion
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